DYC Ultimate DipSprayer System w/ G-Force Spray Gun

Regular price $549.11 USD
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DYC Ultimate DipSprayer System w/ G-Force Spray Gun
$549.11 USD

 Introducing the pinnacle of spraying innovation from DipYourCar – the Ultimate DipSprayer System. Engineered to redefine your dipping experience with a Power Increase of 220% over the Standard G-Force System and 35% over the previous Advanced DipSprayer! The Ultimate DipSprayer was designed with one goal in mind - to empower DIY and Pro turbine users to experience the best finish possible.

With 7.5 PSI, the Ultimate DipSprayer is the most powerful turbine DYC has ever offered.  Experience effortless atomization of all DYC gallon products, while you wet out your passes with minimal effort.  This system is capable of both providing smoother finishes while reducing labor time.  It is now the only sprayer Fonzie and Gabe use for all DYC projects and videos.

This unit includes the Ultimate DipSprayer Turbine, G-Force Spray gun, ProFlex Hose and Cleaning Kit.

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