How to Spray HyperDip Like a Pro | Full DYC Master Class
This video is a step by step guide on how to spray HyperDip and get the best possible results. This guide is focused on spraying HyperDip like a pro!

This Is the Ultimate Step By Step Wheel Dipping Guide
In this video we take you through every step of the wheel dipping process. The materials included in your DYC Wheel Kit, cleaning, prepping, masking, spraying, breakdown and aftercare. If you only watch one video before dipping your wheels (of course we suggest you watch them all), this would be the one!

Wheels Have Some Curb Rash? Not a Problem...
Not all wheel surfaces are perfect. Can you still dip your wheels even if they have curb rash? Absolutely. This video guide will walk you through the steps to make sure you get the best end result possible.

No need to mask your tires, we got you covered
Ever see people use index cards, playing cards or tape to cover up the sidewalls of their tires before they dip or paint their wheels? There is a better, faster, more satisfying way.
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