Peeling & Removal

How Much Do I Need? Does It Really Make a Difference?

It's not only the amount of product you apply, but how you apply it. Thick, overlapping coats will allow the Plasti Dip to dry in a thick, durable film. Light, dusted coats will dry as individual droplets and not only cause texture - but make the dried coating much weaker and thinner. Watch this video to learn how much much of a difference these elements can make in your peeling experience.

The Whole Car, One Panel at a Time

That's how a properly dipped car should peel. Large sheets, large sections. Thick, durable film. There should only be a small collection of spots that need to be cleaned up after everything is peeled. Watch this video so you know what to expect.

Don't Take Our Word For It...

Watch real DYC customers peeling their cars. Again, just like anything else, it comes down to following instructions when applying the product. Thick Plasti Dip = easy peel.

There Shouldn't Be Any Surprises!

DYC has a car kit for almost every color we offer. Those car kits come in sizes - and as long as you pick the right size for your vehicle, it will include all the material you need. Always apply the correct amount of material on your car, never use less than the suggested amount.

Peeling Improperly Applied Plasti Dip (Too Thin)

Ever hear someone say "Plasti Dip doesn't peel off..."?

Well, there's a reason for that. Plasti Dip is a simple science. Use enough product, you have a thick coating that's easy to peel. People who don't use enough product will have a thin film. Thin films, not surprisingly, don't peel very well. We explain here.

People Make Mistakes, It Happens!

Are you staring at a car or surface that has thin dip on it? Tried to peel off some Plasti Dip and it's only coming off in small pieces? Somewhere down the line, someone didn't use enough material. No worries, we show you here how to remove it.

Thin Dip on Wheels Can Be A Pain

Here we show you how to remove thin Plasti Dip off of wheels. If the application was done correctly, and enough product was used in the first place, these removal techniques wouldn't be necessary. However again, people make mistakes, so we have a backup plan.