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HyperDip™ Aerosols
HyperDip™ is the latest technology in peelable aerosol paints.
HyperDip™ is still peelable like Plasti Dip, however improved in every way.
HyperDip™ is perfect for your Wheels, Trim, Emblems, Mirrors or any small surface.
You will notice the benefits of the advanced HyperDip™ technology immediately:
- A smoother, flatter, slicker finish
- A stronger, stretchier coating
- Easier to wet out and spray like a pro
- Enhanced finishes and sheen right out of the can
How to HyperDip Your Wheels (The COMPLETE Guide)
HyperDip™ Wheel Kit Application Instructions
HyperDip™ FAQ
What is the difference between HyperDip™ and traditional Plasti Dip?
HyperDip™ is the latest technology in peelable aerosol paints. HyperDip™ is still peelable like Plasti Dip, however improved in every way. HyperDip™ is perfect for your Wheels, Trim, Emblems, Mirrors or any small surface.
You will notice the benefits of the advanced HyperDip™ technology immediately:
- A smoother, flatter, slicker finish
- A stronger, stretchier coating
- Easier to wet out and spray like a pro
- Enhanced finishes and sheen right out of the can -
Are HyperDip™ products compatible with traditional Plasti Dip?
No, HyperDip™ is not compatible with traditional Plasti Dip or any other non-HyperDip coatings, so please do not combine or stack with any other products.
Can you use the Glossifier™ Aerosol with HyperDip™?
No, HyperDip™ is not compatible with the Glossifier™ Aerosols.
Can I spray HyperDip™ over existing HyperDip™?
HyperDip™ can be applied over existing HyperDip™ if the existing product is in great condition. No tears, no texture, no stains.
How to apply HyperDip over previously applied HyperDip™:
Wash the surface with soap and water, allow the surface to dry for 24 hours
Wipe the surface thoroughly with PreDip Spray, then wipe the surface thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol.
Once all of those steps are completed, you can lay 2 wet coats of HyperDip™ on top and should have great results.
Can you use the Dip Coat™ Protective Spray with HyperDip™?
Yes! The Dip Coat™ Protective Spray is highly recommend to use over top of the HyperDip™ to help protect the surface.
Can you use the Brake Dust Professional™ Spray with HyperDip™?
Yes! We highly recommend using the Brake Dust Professional™ to clean your wheels.
What are the differences between all of the blacks?
What is the ideal climate to spray Gloss HyperDip™?
You always want to make sure your humidity level is 50% or below. Gloss HyperDip™ is extremely sensitive to humidity, as the humidity climbs, you will loose clarity & sheen.
How long should I wait in-between coats?
You want to wait 5-7 minutes between each dust coat and 15-25 minutes (depending on ambient temperature) between each wet coat.
How many coats do I need to lay down?
You would need to start with 4 tack coats and then apply 4-6 wet coats.
What is the difference between a tack coat and a wet coat?
A tack coat is a light dust coat with minimal coverage preventing sags and runs. A wet coat is a 'full coat' where you lay down a lot of paint in one pass.
You can watch the process of applying a wet coat here.